Friday, December 17, 2004

Victor Davis Hanson has left the reality-based community

Well, I thought the Cal State Fresno classics professor and modern-day Cincinnatus had left it a long time ago. But he's not just hanging his political pundit shingle up in Wingerville -- he's putting his roots down deep. Laura Rozen at War and Piece sets some of the record straight:
Victor Davis Hanson gets an important fact wrong, writing:
"Imperialism" and "hegemony" explain nothing about recent American intervention abroad — not when dictators such as Noriega, Milosevic, the Taliban, and Saddam Hussein were taken out by the U.S. military.
But Milosevic was not taken out by the US military. He was taken out in a nonviolent revolution by the Serbian people. With some logistical and financial assistance from the Clinton administration going to the Serbian students and opposition groups. So no need for Hanson to lecture the Democrats on a moral foreign policy. And certainly not George Soros whose organization did stuff like get water to the people living under the siege of Sarajevo and get them email service. What did Hanson do during the Bosnian war, was he championing intervention to stop the genocide there? I don't remember Dick Cheney marching for getting Slobo to the Hague either (too busy launching deals in Iran).