Jacques Derrida, †R.I.P.†
The Trireme Veterans will soon celebrate our three months of survival in the Internets -- and the three months since Jacques Derrida shuffled off this mortal coil. We never paid our respects. In a small gesture to remedy this we republish below the obituary written by Fafnir of the incomparable Fafblog, whose eloquence is beyond our capacities:
flowers for derrida
Jacques Derrida died yesterday. We threw a Deathday Party to undermine the hegemonic life/death binary but for some reason everybody was still kinda sad.
"I don't get it," says me. "How could Derrida die? He was a social construct."
"True," says Giblets. "Nothin is outside the text, includin Derrida."
"Then he couldn't die," says me. "After all if he did he would be reinforcin the hegemonic Dead Derrida/Live Derrida binary."
"We must deconstruct Derrida's death!" says Giblets. "Beginning by inverting the priveleged duality! Derrida is alive!"
"He's stuffin his face with cake right now over there!" says me.
"Mmmfff," says Derrida. "Waffff uppppf fellaf."
"Derrida stop eatin all our cake!" says Giblets. "That cost good money!" Man that Derrida's always been a greedy bastard.
Comments (1):
So like the classic school boy gag about Beethoven instead of decomposing Derrida is Deconstructing?
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