Welcome, new readers!
The Trireme Veterans would like to thank Alun over at Blogographos and David Meadows at Rogueclassicism for linking to us on their sites. I think we're getting an uptick in traffic.
The Web does all sorts of wonderful things with information. One of the great things that blogs do is enable people to carry on 'conversations' about a countless number of things.
Classics sites have been doing a great job for some time now of aggregating news (and even aggregating aggregated news). But we thought there was a distinct lack of the kind of commentary and opinion-sharing that so relentlessly drive the blogosphere in so many other areas like politics, economics, law, science, etc., etc. We started the TVfT blog in order to begin filling that gap. Our interest lies in pretty much anything related to Greek and Roman literature, archaeology and history (and the people involved in these fields).
We'll try to post with greater frequency, but for the moment we should probably warn you not to hold your breath. We suggest you use a newsreader or a syndication-friendly Web browser that can grab new posts off our Atom feed when we write them (you can find the Atom badge linking to the feed in our sidebar to the right). If you have no clue what that means read this short introduction from the Blogger help pages to get started (it's easy).
We hope you read us every now and then. Comments are welcome from everybody.
The Web does all sorts of wonderful things with information. One of the great things that blogs do is enable people to carry on 'conversations' about a countless number of things.
Classics sites have been doing a great job for some time now of aggregating news (and even aggregating aggregated news). But we thought there was a distinct lack of the kind of commentary and opinion-sharing that so relentlessly drive the blogosphere in so many other areas like politics, economics, law, science, etc., etc. We started the TVfT blog in order to begin filling that gap. Our interest lies in pretty much anything related to Greek and Roman literature, archaeology and history (and the people involved in these fields).
We'll try to post with greater frequency, but for the moment we should probably warn you not to hold your breath. We suggest you use a newsreader or a syndication-friendly Web browser that can grab new posts off our Atom feed when we write them (you can find the Atom badge linking to the feed in our sidebar to the right). If you have no clue what that means read this short introduction from the Blogger help pages to get started (it's easy).
We hope you read us every now and then. Comments are welcome from everybody.
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